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Šk. kalendar '23./'24.

Raspored zvonjenja

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1. 8:00-8:45

2. 8:50-9:35

3. 9:40-10:25

4. 10:45-11:30

5. 11:35-12:20

6. 12:25-13:10


1. 14:00-14:45

2. 14:50-15:35

3. 15:40-16:25

4. 16:45-17:30

5. 17:35-18:20

6. 18:25-19:10



Dokumenti '23./'24.


e-Twinning škola

e-Škola smo od 2016.

Office 365

Microsoft Showcase

Microsoft Showcase School

za 2016./2017.g. i 


Mi smo ENABLE škola


Korisno za učitelje


Kninska tvrđava/muzej

TZ Knin

Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 14. 10. 2011.

Ukupno: 2162720
Ovaj mjesec: 4133
Ovaj tjedan: 1146
Danas: 83

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Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
Malo literarnih radova na početku šk.god.
Autor: Danijel Forjan, 19. 9. 2013.

Pročitajte dva literarna rada naših učenika, jedan na hrvatskom jeziku, a drugi na engleskom.

I dalje sa vašim učiteljima radite na sličnim temama te nam ih pošaljite pa ćemo ih objaviti.



Ovo ljeto je bilo uzbudljivo kao i sva prethodna. Sve ima svoj kraj, ali i početak i obratno. A taj početak obilježilo je prvo školsko zvono ove godine. Buka proizvedena zvonom u mojoj glavi je napravila nered. Sto pitanja mi se vrtjelo po glavi; „Hoće li nastavnici biti strogi, koliko ću jedinica i petica dobiti, koliko ću zadaća napisati,  hoću li uništiti ili steći novo prijateljstvo?“ Sve su to bila pitanja koja su čekala odgovor. Tko će na njih odgovoriti? Mislim da ću to biti ja. Više ne mogu dugo spavati, sada imam obveze. Računalo i  gledanje televizijskih emisija, zamijenilo je učenje. Jer, ispiti se neće napisati sami. Shvaćam da moja obveza prema školi, vrijedi više od moje obveze prema ljetu. Shvaćam i da ću umjesto zvuka mora, slušati zvuk nastavnikova glasa koji pokušava prenijeti svoje znanje na mene, shvaćam da ću se umjesto vožnje autom na more, voziti autobusom u školu, i to mi ne smeta. U školi se isto mogu desiti uzbudljive stvari koje će zasjeniti ljeto. Ljubav, nova prijateljstva, tko zna? Mislim da će školska godina otkriti odgovore na sva pitanja.

Lucija Nakić 8.f


A letter to a pen pal

Dear Mia,

Hi! I´ve found your address on the Internet. I am writing to you because I would like to find out something about you and your home town.

I´m almost 13. I live in Knin, in Croatia. Knin has a beautiful fortress and some other monuments. I like it because it is not big.

My family is quite big. I live with my parents, a brother and a sister. My dad works in Kalun, but I don´t know much about it. My mum works in the other school. My brother Ivan is almost 3. He goes to the kindergarten. And my sister Katja is still a baby. She´s only 6 months old. I love both of them very much.

My school is not very modern. We have a gym and a library but we don´t have a canteen. We also have some sporting facilities and a playground. Boys spend a lot of time there playing football. The teachers are OK.

In my free time I read books and hang out with my friends. I spend most of the time with Leonarda and Martina. I´m sending you a photo. Martina is the girl with the glasses.. She´s very nice and a great friend. Leonarda is the one with short dark hair. She always tells jokes. She´s fun to be with. She´s also my cousin. Everybody likes her very much. We are also in the same class.

That´s all for now. Can you send me a photo of your friends?

                                                                 Love, Andrea


This is me

Hello! My name is Barbara and I ´m eleven and a half. I have brownish hair and blue eyes.

My family is nice. I have mother, father, an older sister and a younger brother. My mother is the most beautiful mum in the world. Her name is Anđela and she is 37. Her hair is brown and her eyes are green. She´s awesome. My father is awesome, too. He is funny. His name is Marijo and he is 39. His hair is brown and so are his eyes. My baby brother is cute. His name is Duje. He is 4 months old. We don´t know his eye colour, but we think it is going to be brown. His hair is also brown. He has also got two small teeth. And last but not least, there is my older sister. Her name is Nensi and she is 18. Her hair and eyes are brown. She is really cool, great, pretty and smart. I can always talk to her. I love her very much. My parents are a bit too protective, but that´s OK for now. I love my family very much and wouldn´t change it for all the fortune in the world.

I live in a big house on the third floor. We have three bedrooms, a bathroom, a sitting room, a dining room, a hall and a pantry. I have my own room. Still, I spend most of the time in the sitting room playing computer games and watching TV. My room is big and cool. My bed is the best part of it. I love sleeping in it. My room is always in a mess. I don´t like to clean it and that´s why there is a lot of  clothes and jewellery on the floor.

My home town is Knin. I have lived here all my life. Knin is  small but beautiful. It is an old royal town at the foot of Dinara. There is a fortress in our town. There are also four schools, a kindergarten, a cinema, a museum, a library, a hospital and a police station here. It is better to live in a small town because it is not crowded and noisy.

In my free time I play table tennis. I have two best friends, Petra and Mihailo. Petra is smart, pretty, nice, funny and cool. Mihailo isn´t pretty but he is funny, smart and cool. Petra and I have a similar style. We like the same music, movies and food. I can always talk to her about the boys we like and  the girls we don´t like. On the other hand, Mihailo is in his own world. He has his own style and likes his own music.He doesn´t care about other people´s opinion. That´s one of the things I like about him. Petra and Mihailo have never met, but I hope they will.

I spent the last summer with Mihailo and the rest of the friends from our street.

I also have a boyfriend. His name is Marko and he doesn´t live in Croatia. He comes here every summer.

And that was the story of me and my life.

                                                                       Barbara Ćaćić, 6.a

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