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Prikazani događaji

Šk. kalendar '23./'24.

Raspored zvonjenja

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1. 8:00-8:45

2. 8:50-9:35

3. 9:40-10:25

4. 10:45-11:30

5. 11:35-12:20

6. 12:25-13:10


1. 14:00-14:45

2. 14:50-15:35

3. 15:40-16:25

4. 16:45-17:30

5. 17:35-18:20

6. 18:25-19:10



Dokumenti '23./'24.


e-Twinning škola

e-Škola smo od 2016.

Office 365

Microsoft Showcase

Microsoft Showcase School

za 2016./2017.g. i 


Mi smo ENABLE škola


Korisno za učitelje


Kninska tvrđava/muzej

TZ Knin

Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 14. 10. 2011.

Ukupno: 2189090
Ovaj mjesec: 4148
Ovaj tjedan: 488
Danas: 92

Erasmus+ Logo i web

Anketa (mala)
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Školski profili

Upisi u srednju školu


Sigurniji internet

Red Button MUP

Izdavačke kuće


Edutorij eŠkole


Portali i e-novine


Kratki opis projekta

The Project "ACT FRIENDLY" in short is a Project whose main goal is to create awareness among the society, the parents and the schools with the aim of abolishing all kinds of bullying with the cooperation of students themselves, parents, pschological counsellors and teachers. To do this, we are trying a different strategy; in this Project we use ACTIONS as a tool, not as an aim to reach the results of our Project and above all, we apply Proactive Guidance to our students. These ACTivity types have different uses and benefits for the students in our schools as physically, verbally, behaviorally and psychologically. As you can guess, these titles also belong to types of Bullying. But our students will take these benefits without noticing the aim directly. They will play sports games, sing songs, write their own poetry&plays, ACT in drama plays,watch films and become coaches to their peers. Because let alone bullying or being bullied, only witnessing these situations may cause long term negative effects. So, while we are doing Proactive Studies to prevent them, we designed this Project like a game and chain of Activities to build and strengthen their FRIENDSHIPS to give up behaving improperly and badly to their peers.These issues will be handled at the meetings done in each country with the attendance of school counselling service, students, psychological counsellors and teachers. These meetings will be about enhancing self-control, anger management, developing social skills, improving empatizing, suitable problem solving skills and above all; peer-coaching & proactive guiding which are the most effective ways.

RespACT Your Peer; Don't Bully, Be FRIENDLY
Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
Članak o prvom Erasmus+ projektu na Portalu za škole
Autor: Danijel Forjan, 14. 9. 2018.

Započeli smo sa diseminacijom, tj. promocijom i vidljivošću projekta koji će se u našoj školi provoditi do rujna 2020.g. Sve aktivnosti i vijesti o Erasmus+ projektu ćemo redovito objavljivati na stranicama naše škole, školskom Facebook profilu, a izraditi će se i posebna Facebook stranica projekta i web stranica koju će kreirati partnerske škole koje sudjeluju u projektu. Za potrebe projekta kreirali smo i posebnu stranicu za objavu vijesti. Možete je pronaći na OVOJ POVEZNICI.

Članak na Portalu za škole.

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